Monday, December 03, 2007

Year summary post?? hehehehehe

Long time without posting here ... almost the whole year!!! :-)))

A lot has happened in those months!!! I'll try to update it now!!

About sports: Just making a "previously in Bikes'n'Coffee"

The winter was quite mild and I managed to be quite regular in the in-door training, despite the constant colds. Didn't managed to ski (no snow at all) and the climbing was quite left to the side (too many options and a new "way of life").

End of April I took part at the III Tour d'Energy, got a much better result than last year, finished in 3:02:24, more that 20 minutes faster than last year and with a much better race itself. Technically better, managed to get more wheels and to lead more people on my wheels, actually at the last 10 km a group gathered and we rode in a group on a very nice way! Also didn't suffered so much on the climbs (there are two class 3 mountains), was going much better than the people around me, but gotta learn how to downhill faster. It was interesting the ride along two other guys. Before the first mountain we were riding together, when the climb started I left them behind, going down they passed me. Then we met again before the second climb, same thing, left them behind going up, they left me behind going down ...

The weather was great. Last year I was wearing winter clothes, this year I was with shorts and T-Shirt. It was really summer on spring. Of course the weather changed and we really feel like summer happened that month and then it all felt like fall was already upon us in May.

The result of the race was great and I had a lot of fun. Considering also that I twisted my ankle 4 days before the race, but it was OK by the weekend.

After that got another cold took me out of training and the lousy weather was keeping me home, to that the summer was quite bad for out-door sports. I'm very reluctant to get a road bike on a rainy day and don't like to mountain bike alone. Both are quite dangerous situations to be alone in case of accident and the lack of a cycling partner is a major issue ...

Going on with the road cycling, until September the trainings happened in the possible time, when weather and "life" allowed. The major point of the year, that also prevented part of the training part is that I'm gonna be father at the end of January, so that the pregnancy requires more attention and care, even though I'd blame it all on the weather. In September things got a bit more complicated when we moved to a new flat, traveled to Brazil for a month and in the rest of the time I couldn't find a good weather day that I didn't had something else to do related to Matheus arrival or to the new flat :-)))

Also the city criterium, that I took part last year, happened exactly the day I was moving to the new flat, so that moving in the morning and racing in the afternoon wouldn't be a very good combination hehehehehe

Also the city criterium, that I took part last year, happened exactly the day I was moving to the new flat, so that moving in the morning and racing in the afternoon wouldn't be a very good combination hehehehehe

Managed last weekend to go for about one our on the road in a sunny but cold morning. I'd be disappointed with my performance if I was not "used" to the decrease you get after 3 months stopped heheheheNow is time to get convinced that is too cold for the road, put the old back time and do in-door training.

Still on road cycling, in the trip back to Brazil I was visiting a friend that works on a cycling magazine and was invited to do an on-line column (at every 15 days on my impressions on cycling. The first issue, a review of cycling in 2007, written in 3 parts, was on-line the November, 15th. The second part should be about to show up. That will be a cool thing to do!

"Impressões sobre Ciclismo"

Mounting bike was even worst that road this year :-)) Got the bike a couple of times to train and one very nice day I went with 3 friends to a ride in the mountains. That was cool. More MTB can happen this year yet, if I can convince any of those friends to ride before it snows.Barely no in-line skating due to the constant wet floor and to my constant lack of time!!

About climbing. I enjoyed doing bouldering, we had a pretty nice group that was meeting twice a week, at night, in the winter, then on summer it got a bit more loose. Than last year they closed our free bouldering place and opened a paid vertical climbing + bouldering. Of course the vertical called all our attention. Equipment, curses and fun last fall and part of the winter. But then, of course, the individual aptitudes to the sport showed up and the "levels spread".

On the bouldering that has no influence, but on vertical it means changing routes across the hall and since you need a second person to do your security, and the hall is usually full, routes moving can mean a lot of boring waiting. If you have a pair that wants to climb the same route, great because you get this route and alternate the two as much as you can. If to every climb you have to go back and forth in the hall, that's very boring.

Considering that I'm quite big and my "main sport" is cycling, so that most of my training time was being dedicated to that, everyone can imagine what happened, I stayed behind. That makes even more difficult to come back. Not that my friends refuse to climb with me, they are more than glad of doing it, but as I said it get boring for everyone :-)) Eventually I'll find someone to restart with, lets see.

Finally about skiing. Even though I couldn't use the equipment I've got last year due to the lack of snow. This year will be even more complicated. Before Matheus is borne, difficult because I better be around, aware that he can come any time. After he's borne Fernanda will need a lot of assistance, and I'll be there for both of them :-))

So that's the year summary for a pretty sport poor year, but that started very strong!!!