Monday, September 25, 2006


This summer I re-started an old sport, forgot to mention before, SKATING! :-))

After 15-20 years without skating (by that time they were not IN-LINE) getting back is very difficult. I'm really re-learning how to use them, specially because in-line are really different from the old style ones!

Had some classes with some friends that know how to ride them and with my brother that recorded some "video-classes" for me.

The whole week I wanted to use my skates for a while and couldn't, this saturday I decided to go out for lunch with some friends with it! Loose the fear of going around the town with it (skates have no real breaks). After lunch I went in a cyclopath beside one of the roads here until the next village (about 5-7 km to get there), one hour ride going and coming back. It was nice! A couple of blisters on my feet and pain in some muscles I didn't know I had! hehehehehe

Sunday a bike ride to enjoy the last sunny day of the year! I was feeling a bit tired, but still managed to increase my average speed from 25.6 to 26.0 km/h in the same path! Nice! :-)

This week was suppose to be a "rest" one with Gym and light rides, but the telescope proposals and the bad weather are probably going to use all my time!


At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi Cris... saudades do'ce.

Vem para a Inglaterra vai ?




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