Monday, September 25, 2006


This summer I re-started an old sport, forgot to mention before, SKATING! :-))

After 15-20 years without skating (by that time they were not IN-LINE) getting back is very difficult. I'm really re-learning how to use them, specially because in-line are really different from the old style ones!

Had some classes with some friends that know how to ride them and with my brother that recorded some "video-classes" for me.

The whole week I wanted to use my skates for a while and couldn't, this saturday I decided to go out for lunch with some friends with it! Loose the fear of going around the town with it (skates have no real breaks). After lunch I went in a cyclopath beside one of the roads here until the next village (about 5-7 km to get there), one hour ride going and coming back. It was nice! A couple of blisters on my feet and pain in some muscles I didn't know I had! hehehehehe

Sunday a bike ride to enjoy the last sunny day of the year! I was feeling a bit tired, but still managed to increase my average speed from 25.6 to 26.0 km/h in the same path! Nice! :-)

This week was suppose to be a "rest" one with Gym and light rides, but the telescope proposals and the bad weather are probably going to use all my time!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Flat terrain! (not the tire)

No Gym today or yesterday ... I know ... sad

Today a bit of flat terrain, no climbs, even the small ones!

Windy, but sunny day. I was riding with a short sleeves, it's still possible! :-)

About 30 km at 28.5 of average (better average up to now).

Tomorrow Gym and maybe climbing or skating :-)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Flat tire ...

After leaving work very early and waiting in vain for the guy that would fix my flat's bell ring I got the bike and went for some training to "stress out". Result, a pretty hard training ending with a flat tire ... fortunatelly I'm gonna sleep now! Tomorrow GYM.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Race and Gym!

Yesterday (sunday) was the "Göttinger Altstadtrennen", a criterium race inside the old town. Basically a squared circuit of 800 meters with 2 real corners. My race was the opened one, with 38 laps, but the pace was very strong and I got eliminated at the fifth lap (you're eliminated when the leader catches you in a lap). Anyway it was fun! Some good friends went there to seem me (soon pictures of that) and after we went for lunch and stayed enjoying the nice weather until the evening!

Today I came back to the gym after a couple of weeks. Kind of tired, kind of sore ... hehehehehe

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Loooooooooooong time :-)

So! Long time without updates ... yep! Time was short (it still is) and I decided to do more sports and write less about it hehehehehe

A short update on the things around here!

May: last post was mid may, so let's talk about the second half of it. No sports at all! Rain rain rain rain all the time! We did a small trip to France, to a very nice mountain region so that we could climb outdoors ... hummm rain rain rain and we spent the four days we had there indoors ... drinking! hehehehehe

Also there was the Giro d'Italia, in which Ivan Basso really kicked some asses and I had a very strong cold and the non raining time, I was in bed recovering ...

June: WORLD CUP!!! Brazil played terribly and used the stupid philosophy of doing just enough to win ... against France it was not enough, the lazy fat players were not in the mood for playing, so we lost (that was in July, anyway!)

Durring the World Cup we had some party with the local Brazilian population, it was really funny!

The first part of the month had a lot of cycling, since it was much warmer. The second part of it had less cycling, but still enough. There was also a lot of climbing!!

July: It was a great month! Really good, we had sun basically every day!

I was needing more human contact and since I ride alone, I did more "social" sports as climbing and playing beach volley! Very funny month! Full of sports!

August: NOTHING! It rained EVERYDAY. I also have to move to my new flat, so I spent a lot time arranging things to move and then at the new flat!

Setember: back to cycling. Trying to prepare to a criterium race the 17th here in Goettingen, so more regular cycling! And also a new friend to MTB!!

This month also brings a bit o disapointing (only a bit). Two days ago I tried for the first time to ride in the university week training. I knew they were strongr than me, and that it would be hard to follow them. Well, it was harder than I thought, and the idea I get is that I should train harder, push more to the limit! I'll try! The average of the half training I did with the "uni people" was around 30 km/h, usually I ride with a 26.5-26.8 average ... it was hard.

Yesterday and today I'm trying to increase the speed alone. Both times 27.8 km/h ...

Also need to learn how to ride in a peloton, at 1cm of someone else's wheel ... I'll keep trying. I hpe they let me ride with them next week!

So! A summary of the last months. Now it gets easier to update!!